Darlac Hand Bulb Planter

Fill your garden with a flurry of bulbs, bedding plants or tubers using the handy Darlac Hand Bulb Planter.


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SKU: 1131021 Category: Brand:

EAN: 5038210001550 | MPN: DP251

Make bulb planting a quick and painless task with the durable and stylish Darlac Hand Bulb Planter.

This practical planting tool is ideal for a wide range of planting jobs including spring flowering tulip bulbs, smaller bedding plants or even potato tubers. The comfortable ergonomic handle eliminates hand strain while the easy eject function effortlessly ejects the soil core ensuring smooth and efficient operation.

It also features a handy side depth gauge that removes the guesswork when planting bulbs, ensuring that each bulb is planted at exactly the correct depth, while the serrated base helps to cut through the soil.


  • Weight: 316g
  • Perfect for planting bulbs, bedding plants and potato tubers
  • Easy release handle for soil core ejection
  • Depth gauge for accurate planting depths
  • Serrated base to cut through the soil

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