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Gates - Gardening - Supplies - Plant Food & Fertilisers - Empathy Bulb Starter with rootgrow
Empathy Bulb Starter with rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi is the perfect blend of bio-active components for better bulbs.
£3.99 – £6.99
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Empathy Bulb Starter with rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi has the perfect blend of bio-active components to grow better plants from bulbs.
Ideal for improving the quality of flowers grown from planted bulbs and prolonging flowering periods for brighter, more colourful and longer displays.
Bulb Starter is biologically active and will promote the growth of strong, healthy flowers that last for longer each year.
Natural humates within Bulb Starter contain necessary organic acids to build fertile soil. Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi helps bulbs to develop secondary root systems to supply extra nutrients and moisture to growing plants.
So, remember to use this useful Bulb Starter when planting your seasonal bulbs.