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Gates - Gardening - Supplies - Plant Food & Fertilisers - Dibleys Streptocarpus Plant Food (100 Tablets)
Simply insert one or more tablets into the compost once a month.
2 in Stock. Please call 01664 454309 to confirm availability.
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EAN: 5037932000070
Dibleys Streptocarpus Plant Food is a handy pack of one hundred slow release tablets to feed indoor Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) plants, which belong to the Gesneriad family.
Ideal for healthy and vibrant plants with beautiful blooms and attractive foliage. Every tablet releases a complete food formula slowly, making sure it receives the right level of nutrients.
Specifically formulated by Dibleys in North Wales for use with Streptocarpus, but can be used for indoor plants from the same family, such as African Violets (Saintpaulias), Columneas and Achimines.
Easy to use, simply insert one tablet into compost around the base of the Streptocarpus every month and for Saintpaulias insert one tablet every six weeks during growth seasons and continue to water as normal. Be careful not to over water. Best to wait until the compost feels dry to the touch.
Some larger plants may require more than one tablet. Dibleys recommend, as a rule of thumb to use one tablet for plant pots up to 10cm in diameter and two tablets for larger pots of 13 cm in diameter or more.
Your streptocarpus will benefit from these tablets during growth periods throughout the year and we recommend positioning your plant in a East or West window or in a shaded part of a green house or conservatory.