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Gates - Gardening - Plants, Seeds & Bulbs - Roses - David Austin The Pilgrim® (Auswalker) English Climbing Rose (6 litre pot)
The Pilgrim is a David Austin bred, English Climbing Rose with pretty soft yellow blooms which repeat flower for a fabulous display.
1 in Stock. Please call 01664 454309 to confirm availability.
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EAN: 5031825017336
The Pilgrim® (Auswalker) English Climbing Rose is named after the pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Ideal for the front entrance to a house, but suitable for any tall arching structure or a wall, this stunning rose produces large, soft yellow, flat rosette blooms that pale towards the edges.
The flowers have a medium strength Tea / Myrrh fragrance and will appear in abundance in repeat flowering flushes from the end of spring until early winter. Each flush in the summer can last for up to 4 weeks.
As a medium size climber it will reach a height of around 3.75m within the first 3 years making it ideal for growing into a garden arch, obelisk or over a doorway.
Plant into a position of full sun or partial shade and use Mycorrhizal Fungi to help establish roots and encourage good plant health.